(instruction on request)

choose an instruction you like from the instruction table on the wall. upon the purchase the chosen instruction will be printed, framed, and signed for you.

0.5 hours


(reciprocal instruction 1 x Misha)

Request Misha to draw your portrait on a sticky note.
Perform a ‘reciprocal instruction 1 x Audience’ on the wall next to it.


(reciprocal instruction 2 x Harrell)

Ask Harrell to follow you on your chosen social platform
Perform a ‘reciprocal instruction 2 x Audience’ on the wall next to it.


(Harrell’s instruction-on-request)

Request artist Harrell Fletcher to come up with an idea for a project or class assignment based on the information regarding context, resources, and limitations that you will provide in an email. You will retain ownership of the idea or assignment that Harrell creates for you and can implement it whenever you choose.

2 hours


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